Problem solver Python

29th-30th November, 2024

The Problem Solver Python challenge is designed to test participants' ability to apply Python programming skills to solve real-world problems. This competition emphasizes logical thinking, problem-solving techniques, and coding efficiency. Participants will be presented with a series of progressively challenging problems that require not just coding knowledge but also strategic problem-solving and logical reasoning.

Join us and unleash the power of Python to tackle exciting challenges and shape the future of coding excellence.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Jr. Category: RoboClubs/ Schools or individuals may nominate. Participants’ age should be between 10 to 13 years.
  • Sr. Category: RoboClubs/ Schools or individuals may nominate. Participants’ age should be between 14 to 17 years.

Team Size

  • Team members should be at maximum 3 members guided by a Coach
  • Teams can't share a team member.
  • The competition consists of three rounds, with each round  progressively becoming more difficult 
  • Each round lasts one hour, and teams must submit their projects within the specified time.
  • Internet is not allowed during the rounds
  • There will be a 15-minute period before each round to explain the challenge
  • and for participants' questions regarding the challenge
  • Unauthorized collaboration with non-team members is strictly prohibited and may result in disqualification.
  • Teams should use Python without built-in modules or libraries.
  • The judges will manually review the code created by the team for each challenge after completing each round. It will be evaluated based on the judging criteria.
  • Teams will explain their work to the judges after the round time.
  • Understand Python Basics
  • Data Types and Variables
  • Basic input and output
  • Operators (Arithmetic, Comparison, Assignment,  Logical )
  • Conditional statements (if, elif, else) & match statements for decision making.
  • For and while loops
  • Data Structures (lists, tuples, sets, dictionaries)  and their methods
  • Defining and calling functions with parameters and return values.
  • Built-in functions
WRC Registration