29th-30th November, 2024

Teams are required to build their own autonomous robot within the specified dimensions to achieve the maximum speed on the given track and reach the destination in minimum time. The robot must start behind the starting line and is considered to have crossed the finishing line if any part of the robot crosses it in a full lap of the course. The robot must follow the black line. The competition area has a special place defined for the robot’s operation (here after COMPETITION FIELD).

Eligibility Criteria

  • Jr. Category : Robotics Clubs/ Schools or individuals may nominate. Participants’ age should be between 6 to 10 years.
  • Sr. Category: RoboClubs/ Schools or individuals may nominate. Participants’ age should be between 11 to 16 years.
  • Open. Category: Colleges/Universities of every age group can participate.

How to get on FLF

A match is played by a single team in one go, with each team consisting of 1 Wireless Bot. An individual may participate or construct a team of a minimum of 2 and a maximum of 8 members. Any institution (School/College/University/Vocational Institution) or group of students (within defined age), may form a team.

Prepare a video of 1 minute to 5 minutes (maximum 100 MB), showcasing team readiness, creativity, preparing for challenges, or anything to show passion to participate in TechnoXian.

General Rules:

All robots must be wireless and autonomous.

No wireless communication between the robot and operator is allowed (Bluetooth, RF modules, etc.).

Robots must be able to move in all directions (omnidirectional movement).

 Size and Weight:

Junior Lego Division (Jr) :

  • Must fit within a box of 20cm x 20cm x 20cm (L x W x H) at any point in time.
  • Maximum weight: 3kg including batteries (5% tolerance allowed).
  • Can be circular or rectangular in design.

Senior Division (Sr) :

  • Must fit within a box of 20cm x 20cm x 20cm (L x W x H) at any point in time.
  • Maximum weight: 5kg including batteries (5% tolerance allowed).
  • Can be circular or rectangular in design.

Open Category:

  • Must fit within a box of 20cm x 20cm x 20cm (L x W x H) at any point in time.
  • Maximum weight: 5kg including batteries (5% tolerance allowed).
  • Can be circular or rectangular in design.

Safety and Electronics:

  • All robots must comply with the following safety regulations:
  • Batteries must be sealed and of a safe, immobilised electrolyte type (gel cell, lithium, NiMH, NiCad, or dry cells).
  • Maximum voltage on the robot cannot exceed 16.8V DC at any point.
  • Robots cannot use infrared-reflecting materials on the outside. Any paint should have a matte finish. Minor reflective parts are allowed if they don't affect other robots.
  • Robots cannot produce magnetic interference for other robots on the field.

Control System:

Robots in both divisions must be autonomous.

Unique Identification:

Each robot must have a clearly visible top marker with a unique identifier for easy recognition by the referee. Unmarked robots will not be eligible to play.


Pre-made robots are not allowed in either category. The design and construction should be primarily the team's original work.

Material Restrictions (Optional):

· You can consider adding a material restriction for the Jr. Division, allowing only Lego or compatible building sets to encourage a more accessible entry point for younger participants.

Start and Restarts:

  • The robot will be placed at the starting point with the consent of the referee.
  • Both may restart the run if the person handling it feels the necessity. A restart can be requested only if the robot doesn’t follow the line, has stopped halfway, or has lost the directions/Black line.
  • At any restart, the robot must be re-positioned back at the start point.
  • It is not allowed to reprogram the robot or to add/remove parts on the robot during the run, but adjusting the sensors is permissible with the consent of the referee.
  • The RACE CLOCK/RUN TIME will reset to zero on every restart. The COMPETITION CLOCK (maximum access time) will keep running during all restarts.
  • Only 3 restarts are allowed for each 

round. A robot must restart if bot does not start after pressing the Start Button for 30 Second, bot is touched by a human without the consent of the referee, bot moves out of the arena or the referee orders it to restart.

There will be two rounds in Fastest Line Follower gameplay i.e. Elimination round and a Final round

Elimination Round:

  • Every team will be given 1 minute time to calibrate the bot and maximum 3 minutes for game play. 1 minute of calibration time will not be included in gameplay time.
  • If Bot loses the track, bot operator can touch bot maximum 3 times during the overall gameplay in all trials.
  • Within 3 minutes of gameplay duration, the team will get a maximum 3 trials. Minimum time will be considered in all 3 trials.
  • Maximum 30 teams would be qualified who reach the finish line in minimum time duration.

 Final Round: 

  • Qualified teams will compete in this round to achieve the minimum runtime. A single run will be conducted for each qualified team. Teams with the minimum runtime will be nominated as the winner of the competition.
  • Team would be given 1 minute for calibration and maximum 5 minutes for gameplay.
  • If Bot loses the track, bot operator can touch bot maximum 3 times during the overall gameplay in all trials.

· Within 5 minutes of gameplay duration, the team will get a maximum of 3 trials. Minimum time will be considered in all 3 trials.

The Racing track of the Fastest Line Follower challenge has a track of a total length of 55– 60 metre (approximately) on an arena dimension of 7.5X7.5 sqm. The width of the black line will be 25mm. The surface of the track will be white with a black line marked on it. The track may contain crossed, curved, or discontinuous black lines.

WRC Registration